Welcome to week 45! This week I think got even darker with the “ABCs of Sorrow” series. This one is called “Caged”. My thinking behind this one is someone who has had their heart ripped out and is stuck with no place to go. I think it turned out well. At one point it was a lot bluer, but I felt it needed some grunginess and grit so I added the various brown shades. I am pretty proud of this one. I hope you enjoy it!
In other news, the new site is up! The new site takes the URL of this site, “https://willansingfineart.com” and this site has become simply “http://willansing.com“. At the new site I have some of my work for sale as prints. Additionally, the “ABCs of Sorrw” series are going to be limited editions. I’m doing 10 prints of each one (with 1 artist proof of each); when they are gone, they are gone!