Hey! Have you ever wondered how I got into comics? Well it all started in high school. That being said, I still have most of them and I feel like it would be nice to go down memory lane. So . . . here ya go!
Starring a bunch of weirdos. ;P
Hey everybody!
I am back! I know, I know hold the applause (crickets chirp in the background).
So with bringing a new comic, there will also be a new series. Since I currently work in the restaurant biz, I feel that I need to share with the world all of the confessions that I have. So, to start off the series, here is a problem that I face everyday:
As you can already see, this series is a bit of a different art style. I wanna try and do some different styles.
So as of this time, I will be updating my blog every Sunday (keeping my fingers crossed). With the exception of next week, I’m going to try and switch off between my history comics, my restaurant comics and finally my every day life comics. Hopefully, I can work with this schedule, but we will see.
Hope everyone has a great week!
To all two people out there, I sincerely apologize for not updating in, like, a year. It seems school is super crazy as you go along and so drawing comics seems like a chore at times. Well, I’d like to fix this. I’m going to try to post something at least once a week. Now these posts may not consist of comics, however, they may consist of my blathering to a camera or through text (delicious, delicious text).
Anywho, I plan on being responsible. And by being responsible, I mean shirking my school duties in order to write on my blog. Good life choices. But I digress: let us see if Miss Hobart can once again go back to being fruitful in her blog!!!
My goodness! My US History professor needs to pronounce Roosevelt right. I was sitting in class (Katie and Meghan shout out!!!) and noticed my professor said “Rusevelt”. I was somewhat confused and was confused what a “Rusevelt” was. Another thing is, she is not always constant with this pronunciation. I heard her slip the other day and it made my world.
Anywho, sorry about not posting in, what, almost two months? Whoopsie, sorry about that. My excuses are no internet sometimes and me just being lazy for most of it. >Slaps face violently< Come on, Taylor! Stop being stupid!
Washington’s Inaugeration Jackson’s Inaugeration
Sometimes my professors are the bomb. My US history professor showed us these two pictures the other day and then introduced Jackson’s with “A.J. You’re great!” in an extremely drunken voice.
Also, sorry this has been late, I haven’t had much internet access during break, so comics haven’t been able to be posted too often. But soon . . .
Also, had the idea of making a legit comic that followed a story line and making that every 0nce in a while along with my short blurb comics.
So, to start this week off, I decided to bring up something I have been playing recently.
I’ve been playing a bit of Skyrim here and there for the past week and I’ve noticed that I am one popular cookie. I mean, everybody who is anybody keeps asking me to join there faction. I feel like their trying to win me over and convert me.
I still haven’t chosen a path. Its really hard to decide. Do I wanna be cool, a goody two shoes, or a complete ass. I just can’t decide!
Oh, and just FYI, my character’s name is Clarice. I hope Anthony Hopkins will be in this game!